Posts Tagged ‘Indian Clubs’

Grip Change Exercises | COPPER BAND Indian Clubs, ergonomic handle. 5 Exercises to maximise Indian Clubs training

Source: Grip Change Exercises for COPPER BAND Indian Clubs, with an ergonomic handle.

Indian Clubs World Tour Workshops 2015

Indian Clubs World Tour Workshops 2015.

You are invited to Indian Clubs World Tour Workshops 2015 with Paul Taras Wolkowinski. See below for locations and contact details for each workshop. Summer July and August 2015. Look forward to seeing you there.

FREE Online Training

If you are new to Indian Club swinging, and want to try it. I have prepared a FREE Online Training Course for Beginners. The training is presented in 6 videos, in an easy to follow STEP by STEP video format for both STANDING and SEATED Indian Club exercises. If you would like to prepare for attending the Indian Clubs World Tour Workshops 2015, this training is designed to help you get started and confident.

Izzy-Barish-Indian-Clubs-SliderIndian Clubs Concerto by Izzy Barish.

An Indian Clubs Concerto by Izzy Barish

To quote Izzy Barish

“My first spiritual movement guru told me to “let your inner guru be your guide”. Another said to practice and then practice some more, so you could move with no mindedness, to be the “Bow Less Archer”. Well, I am just having fun integrating a lot of disciplines into movement with obviously no thought in mind. I just happen to have an Indian Club in hand flowing along.”

Music The Four Seasons, Conc. Op. 8, No. 1″ by Italian Orchestra

Indian Clubs Reels and RollsIndian Clubs | Reels and Rolls.

One of my favourite things about swinging Indian Clubs is the never ending variety of movement. Indian Clubs | Reels and Rolls, is a video about a combination of Reels and Rolls using the synchronous and parallel heart shaped swing for transitions from one Reel to another. Read the blog for a detailed description.

Training at Suria Akhara

Training at Suria Akhara.

Read the blog

Rosewater Fitness Hour 13

Rosewater Fitness Hour 13 – INDIAN CLUBS.

Read the blog

Milkwood MeelsMilkwood Meels – INDIAN CLUBS.

Read the blog

This week we speak with the owner of and world tour “King of Clubs” Paul Wolkowinski and talk technique, how to pick a club length and weight, grips, and much much more. We chatter on for over an hour and a half, so you do not want to miss this show. We learned a whole boat load of info and I know you will, too. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends.

via The Rosewater Fitness Hour: Episode 11 « The Time Spent Poorly Podcast Network.

Paul Imada talks Basics of Indian Clubs

Indian Clubs | PAUL IMADA talks BASICS
Paul Imada Kancho uses Indian Clubs and Gada Mace as part of in house training at the Shotokan Karate Centre, and I am very pleased to present this video of Paul talking about basics of Indian Club training.

Basic Indian Club Swinging exercises you can do with your hands.

Two vertical planes, shoulder plane and the frontal plane.

Drop and throw technique for the heart shaped swing.

Improving your range of motion using the core.

Breathing techniques for Indian Club Swinging.

I had the great pleasure of meeting Paul in Hawaii during my Indian Club World Tour 2013

Read the blog:-

Paul Taras Wolkowinski

Persian Mils from IranOver the past weeks I have been consumed with my new Persian Mils, since getting back from this years Indian Club World Tour, the lighter Mils 4.5kg, 6kg, 7kg and 8kg, are great and swing beautifully. The 10kg clubs are a massive challenge.
Read the blog and watch the video…..